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Biden Slams Trickle Down Economics Unveils Bidenomics Vision

Biden Slams Trickle-Down Economics, Unveils 'Bidenomics' Vision

President Joe Biden has taken aim at trickle-down economics, outlining his own economic plan known as 'Bidenomics' in a speech in Chicago.

"The top-down approach has failed," Biden declared, echoing sentiments he has expressed in previous speeches. "It has not delivered for the middle class, and it has not delivered for working families."

Biden's vision for the economy focuses on investing in the middle class, infrastructure, and clean energy. He also emphasized the importance of creating good-paying jobs and ensuring that workers have a fair shot at success.

"We need to build an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few," Biden said. "We need to invest in our people, our infrastructure, and our future."

Biden's speech comes as the country faces economic challenges, including inflation and a slowing economy. Republicans have criticized Biden's economic policies, arguing that they have contributed to these problems.

However, Biden defended his record, pointing to the creation of millions of jobs and the passage of the American Rescue Plan, which provided economic relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We have made progress," Biden said. "But we have more work to do. We need to build on the progress we have made and continue to move forward."
